Monetary Award: $1,000
Eligibility and Criteria
Full-time, tenure track faculty who has passed intermediate review (entered into at least their 4th year at UT) and has demonstrated sustained excellence in service to the University, department, profession, and community. Their service is impactful and leads to student and community success.
Application Process
- Nominations must be submitted electronically via the online form and should highlight how award criteria are met.
- Nominees will be invited to provide the following: (1) an abbreviated curriculum vitae; and (2) a 2 page (maximum) letter reflecting on their service experiences and how they have led to improved student success, improvements to the University, improvements in the community, etc.
- The Faculty Excellence Committee will select the finalists and invite them to provide a detailed portfolio and two letters of support addressing the award criteria. The portfolio will include, at minimum:
- A list and evidence of major service accomplishments and activities. Service can include service to students; the faculty member’s department, college, or profession; the university; and/or the community.
- Evidence of service quality, quantity, and impact (can include awards, letters, articles about the service, etc.)
Selection Process
- The Faculty Excellence Committee will evaluate nominations and submitted materials using the Faculty Award Rubric.
- Finalists will be selected based on the rubric criteria, and additional supporting materials will be requested from them.
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Faculty Excellence Committee via email at